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Want To Drop Some Lbs?

As the obesity epidemic only worsens in America, people are starting to realize that excess weight not only looks bad, but is unhealthy! I myself, would love to lose a little weight. If you want to lose weight also, make the decision now, and take control over yourself. Don't let temptations take over. You are the only one who can make the change. So be good to yourself, and make the right changes to get healthy.

-Kat ;D

Clueless On How To Lose Weight? I'm Here To Help!

When trying to lose weight, you should focus on eating less carbs and junk food (such as pasta, chips, and candy), and more foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. By simply cutting out bread and limiting meat intake, you can lose a lot of weight! Here are the rules . . .

  • Eat four meals a day (lunch is split in two) and snacks when needed
  • Eat very little bread (and only whole wheat) and limit your meat intake to about once a day
  • Only drink water, tea, skim milk, and the occasional diet soda
  • Weigh yourself once a week
  • Exercise atleast 5X a week for 45 minutes each time

Example Food Log #1

Breakfast: 2 packets of kashi oatmeal and a large glass of water
Lunch #1: Small turkey sandwich on an 100 calorie whole wheat bread (or another healhy choice)
Lunch #2: Apple and salad (with light dressing)
Dinner: Chicken breast with carrots and mixed vegetables
Snack: sugar free popsicle

Example Food Log #2

Breakfast: 2 hardboiled eggs and a banana
Lunch #1: salad (with light dressing)
Lunch #2: healthy granola bar with fruit salad
Dinner: Vegetable soup with whole wheat roll
Snack: 100 calorie pack

These food logs may seem difficult to follow because they might be way less than you are used to eating. If you get hungry while trying to lose weight, here are some
snack ideas . . .

  • Piece of fruit
  • Veggies and low fat dip
  • Healthy granola bar
  • Fat free jello
  • Sugar free popsicle
  • 100 calorie pack
  • Hard boiled egg
  • 2 Wasa Crisps with spread cheese